Servise rules

Before using the MultiCoin service, the User must read the service Terms and Conditions in full. The use of service is possible only if the User accepts all terms and conditions of the agreement.

Terms and conditions of service

Terms and definitions

1.1. ("Service") is a service providing digital currency circulation services.

1.2 User - any individual who agrees to all terms and conditions offered by the Service and signed this agreement. The User and the Service are jointly referred to as the "Parties".

1.3 Application means the information provided by the User by electronic means of the Service, indicating their intention to use the services of the Service under the terms proposed by the Service and stated in the parameters of the application.

1.4 Exchange means any transaction involving the exchange of digital currency from one user to another using money.

1.5 Exchange rate means a value ratio of two exchanged currencies.

1.6 Agreement means an agreement between the parties regarding the circulation of digital currencies on the terms and conditions of the Service.

2. Subject matter of the Agreement and effective procedure

2.1 The subject of this Agreement is the services for digital currency circulation, which are provided by order of the User, as well as other services described on the Service's website.

2.2 The Agreement is considered accepted when the User submits an Application, which is an integral part of this Agreement. Each application of the User is a new Agreement and under new conditions at the time of application.

2.3 This Agreement enters into force at the time of completion of formation of the Application by the User and assignment of an individual application number.

2.4 The date and time as well as the parameters of the Order conditions are automatically recorded by the Service at the moment of the completion of the formation of the Order and assigning of the individual Order number.

2.5 This Agreement will terminate at the moment the funds or currencies in the amount specified in the User's Order are credited to the account of the User, or at the moment of cancellation of the Order.

2.6 The Magnetic Exchange reserves the right to modify this Agreement unilaterally without prior notice, but with the obligatory publication of the most recent version of the Agreement on this page.

3. Terms of service

3.1 Only those Users can use the Service who have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the CoinChange service in full.

3.2 The Service automatically sets the exchange rate and publishes it on the Service's website.

3.3 The Service reserves the right to change the exchange rates unilaterally at any time and notify the Service Users by posting the actual information at the Service's website.

3.4 Fixing the exchange rate and the procedure for changing the rate in the application:

    The exchange rate is locked for 10 minutes from the moment the user has chosen the direction of the exchange, after 10 minutes a new rate will be automatically offered;
    If the user has time to form an order within 10 minutes, the given rate is prolonged for 15 minutes for payment of the order. If the user did not have time to make the payment and change the status of the application to paid, by clicking on the button "I have paid", then a new exchange rate will automatically be offered after the time has elapsed;
    The Service reserves the right to unilaterally change the exchange rate if more than 8 hours have passed since the transaction appeared in the digital currency network, and 2 confirmations of the transaction from the digital currency network are missing;
    Service reserves the right to change the exchange rate unilaterally if the User is at fault and the User has not provided correct information to the Service's email within 8 hours;
    The Service reserves the right to change the exchange rate unilaterally if the initial exchange rate has changed by more than 1% before the User has paid the request and changed its status to paid by pressing the button "I have paid".

3.5. Management of the exchange process or obtaining information about the progress of the service by the User is carried out using the appropriate user interface located on the website of the Service.

3.6. The Service makes an exchange at the request of the User in strict accordance with the privacy policy, as well as the policy to combat money laundering and prevent transactions that are illegal.

3.7. Any completed operation carried out by the Service at the request of the User cannot be canceled by the User after its completion — sending by the Service of funds or digital currencies due to the User under previously accepted exchange conditions.

3.8. If the User does not receive funds or digital currencies within one hour from the moment the User creates an application, the Agreement is considered terminated by the Service unilaterally, as not having entered into force.

3.9. In the event of termination of the agreement, funds or digital currencies received after the above period, at the request of the User, fall into a safe holding. When making a return, all commission expenses for the transfer of funds or digital currencies are made from the funds received at the expense of the User. The Service is not responsible for possible delays in the return, if they arose through no fault of the Service.

3.10. In the event that the amount of funds or digital currencies received differs from that declared by the User, the Service may unilaterally terminate the agreement by refusing to execute the application or send the application to a safe holding. The Service is not responsible for possible delays in the return, if they arose through no fault of the Service.

3.11. If the Service did not transfer funds or digital currencies to the details specified by the User within 72 hours from the moment the payment was received from the User, in the absence of reasons for blocking funds or digital currencies received at the request of the User from the Service, the User may demand termination agreement by canceling your application and returning the funds or digital currencies in full.

3.12. In case of cancellation of the application, the return of funds or digital currencies is made by the Service to the details of the sender within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the cancellation request. The Service is not responsible for possible delays in the return, if they arose through no fault of the Service.

3.13. In case of an increase in the exchange rate by more than 1%, all funds not claimed for more than a day in favor of the service are subject to exchange or return at the rate fixed at the time of the creation of the application.

3.14. The service has the right to engage third-party performers to fulfill its obligations.

3.15. The Service has the right to cancel the application and return the funds or digital currencies deposited by the User with the reimbursement of commissions to the User without explanation.

3.16. The Service has the right to refuse the User further service without explanation.

3.17. The service has the right to suspend the exchange in order to identify the sender of the transfer. If the identification is not passed, the application is canceled. When making a return, all commission expenses for the transfer of funds or digital currencies are made from the funds received at the expense of the User. The Service is not responsible for possible delays in the return, if they arose through no fault of the Service.

3.18 By using the Service, the User confirms that they legally own and control the funds and digital currencies they use. The User warrants that he or she is not involved in:

    money laundering operations;
    receiving proceeds from drug trafficking;
    receiving proceeds from criminal and/or terrorist activities;
    receiving proceeds from trade with countries, trade with which is prohibited by international organizations;
    receiving proceeds from any other unlawful activity.

3.19. When the User sends digital currencies, the Service will begin to fulfill its obligations to exchange only after two confirmations of the digital currency network.

3.20. In case the funds can not be sent to the details provided by the Customer for the reasons beyond the control of the Service or if the Customer has made a mistake with the details, the Service has the right to request the Customer to send to the support chat the correct details, send the card verification or details for the refund.

4. Privacy Policy

4.1 For the transactions, the Service accepts the User's personal information, which the Service undertakes to keep in encrypted form, not to disclose, not to transfer to the third parties, except for the cases described in the paragraph 4.4 and paragraph 5.5 of this Agreement.

4.2 All the transactions and personal data transfers from the User to the Service are secured with 256-bit SSL encryption.

4.3 The Service reserves the right to collect additional information about the User, if necessary, by any available means. All the information obtained as a result of such activities is not given to the third parties, except for the cases described in the paragraphs 4.4 and 5.5 of this Agreement.

4.4 The Magnetic Exchange reserves the right to share the User's personal data and the details of their transactions upon a request from law enforcement authorities, courts, as well as on its own initiative in order to protect their rights.

4.5 All the data concerning the User, as well as the details of their transactions, is to be stored in the Service's database for five years.

5. Anti-Money Laundering and Illegal Transactions Policy

5.1 In compliance with the international legislation, the Service adheres to a number of rules and implements a number of procedures aimed at preventing money laundering and other unlawful transactions through the Service.

5.2 In order to prevent the transactions of illegal character, the Service establishes certain requirements to all the Requests created by the User:

    Transfers in favor of third parties are strictly prohibited;
    All the contact details stated in the User's Order as well as any other personal information provided to the Service must be up to date and absolutely truthful;
    Orders created by the User using anonymous proxy-servers or any other anonymous Internet connections are strictly prohibited.

5.3 The Service reserves the right to suspend all the User's current requests until it receives from the User copies of the documents proving their identity and any other information required to check the operation in the following cases:

    If a violation of any of the requirements provided in clause 5.2 of this Agreement is detected;
    When the User's application is stopped by the Illegal Transactions Prevention System;
    In case of a grounded suspicion that the User is trying to use the services of the Service for the purpose of conducting illegal transactions.

In turn, the User undertakes to provide the requested document within 7 working days from the receipt of the request for its provision, or to request the cancellation of the application.

5.4 In case of the User's refusal to provide the required documents, the Service reserves the right to refuse service in further, and take the actions described in the paragraph 3.14 of this Agreement.

5.5 The Magnetic Exchange reserves the right to refuse service in the future and take the actions described in the paragraph 3.14 of this Agreement, and afterwards transfer all the data of the User and the information about their transaction to the law enforcement authorities in case of

5.5.1 According to the refund policy, the refund is made within 3 days to the addresses from which the assets were received.

    Detection of transactions aimed at money laundering, financing of terrorist organizations, fraud of any kind, as well as transactions aimed at carrying out any other illegal and unlawful operations;
    If the Service has a reasonable suspicion that the document presented by the User for the User identification is counterfeit or invalid;
    The receipt of information from the authorized bodies about the unauthorized possession of the User's money or digital currencies, or other information making it impossible for the Service to provide services to the User;
    Discovery of any actions or attempted actions of the User aimed at causing any negative impact on the hardware and software complex of the Service;
    Discovery of any actions or attempted actions of the User aimed at theft of databases and other tangible and intangible property of the Service;
    Discovery of any actions or attempted actions by the User which can cause any physical, material or non-material damage to the Service.
    If funds are received from a card other than the one that was verified, the Service will suspend the exchange. The funds will be returned to the sender within 24 hours after the request and subject to mandatory verification of the card from which the funds were received. All commissions for funds or digital currencies will be deducted from the funds received at the User's expense.

5.6 The Service reserves the right to suspend all the User's requests for refunds until it receives the copies of documents from the User, or any other information confirming the fact of payment.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1 The User guarantees that he/she is not a citizen or a tax resident of the United States of America, North Korea or Iran.

6.2 Only persons of legal age may use the Service.

6.3 The User agrees that the Service's responsibility is limited to the funds received from the User for the execution of the subject of this Agreement, that the Service provides no additional warranty or liability to the User, and that the User bears no additional liability to the Service.

6.4 The Service will do its best, but does not guarantee that its services will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Service assumes no responsibility for any losses, lost profits or other expenses incurred by the User as a result of their inability to access the site or the services of the Service.

6.5 The Magnetic Exchange assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage as well as any expenses caused by delays, errors, or failures in processing any bank transfers or electronic currency transfers.

6.6 The Magnetic Exchange assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss of profit or any User's expenses caused by their false expectations in respect of the exchange rates, profitability of the transactions or any other subjective conditions.

6.7 In case the User has provided incorrect information about the details of the payee, the Service does not assume any responsibility for any damages or losses caused by this mistake.

6.8 The User undertakes not to tamper with the communication flows concerning the Service, not to interfere with its software and/or hardware, and not to have any other influence which could disrupt the normal operation of the Service, being aware that such actions would result in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

6.9 Neither the User nor the Service shall be liable to each other for delays or failure to fulfill its obligations resulting from force majeure events, including natural disasters, fire, floods, terrorist acts, changes of government, civil unrest, as well as failures in the functioning of the Electronic Payment Systems, power supply systems, communication networks and providers of Internet services.

6.10. Electronic Payment Systems or financial institutions are solely responsible for the funds entrusted to them by the User. The Service can not be a party to the agreement between the Payment system or financial institution and the User.

7. Order of Accepting Claims and Resolving Disputes

7.1 Claims and issues of dispute arising from the services provided by the Service to the User will be settled by means of negotiations between the User and the administration of the Service, according to the provisions of this Agreement.

7.2 Any claims under this Agreement should be sent by the User electronically to the email address specified at the Service website.

8. Final provisions

8.1 The Service reserves the right to send information about the status of exchange as well as other information about the exchange to the User's specified email address.

8.2 The information on the website, including graphics, text, program codes, etc. is the property of the Service and is protected by copyright laws.

8.3 The User confirms that they have read all the provisions of this Agreement, and unconditionally accepts them, otherwise the User can not use the Service.


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How we treat personal data about users of this site

General Terms

1.1 This document defines the policy of the CoinChange website (hereinafter - the Operator) with respect to the processing of personal data of website users and sets out the system of basic principles applicable to the processing of personal data.

1.2 The Policy with respect to the processing of personal data of the users of the site (hereinafter - the Policy) is designed to comply with the requirements of Russian legislation containing personal data and to identify users who are on the site.

The Policy applies to all personal data to be processed by the Operator.

1.3 The Policy is developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and other applicable laws of the Russian Federation in the sphere of personal data protection.

1.4 The policy establishes the procedure for processing of personal data of the website users: actions for the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), destruction of personal data.

1.5 The Policy establishes mandatory for the Operator's employees involved in the maintenance of the site, the general requirements and rules for working with all kinds of media containing personal data on the site users.

1.6 The Policy does not address the issues of security of personal data referred to the Russian Federation state secrets in accordance with the established procedure.

1.7 Terms and definitions

Personal Data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a particular or identifiable individual (personal data subject).

Operator - a state body, municipal authority, legal entity or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) implementing the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purpose of personal data processing, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data.

Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations), performed with or without the use of automation with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

User - Internet user.

Automated processing of personal data - processing of personal data by computer equipment.

Provision of personal data - actions aimed at the disclosure of personal data to a certain person or a certain range of persons.

Blocking of personal data - temporary termination of personal data processing (except for cases when processing is necessary to clarify personal data).

Destruction of personal data - actions, as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the information system of personal data and/or as a result of which tangible carriers of personal data are destroyed.

Depersonalization of personal data - actions, as a result of which it becomes impossible, without the use of additional information, to determine the affiliation of personal data to a particular subject of personal data.

1.8 The operator ensures confidentiality and security of personal data during their processing in accordance with the requirements of legislation and does not disclose to third parties and does not distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation.

In accordance with the list of personal data processed on the site, personal data of users of the site is confidential information.

2 The main rights and obligations of the Operator and the Subject of personal data.

2.1 The operator has the right:

receive personal data from the subjects of personal data and from third parties (persons who are not subjects of personal data), with the Operator performing the duties stipulated by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data";

Independently determine the composition and a list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the obligations under the Personal Data Law and regulations adopted in accordance with it, unless otherwise provided by the Personal Data Law or other federal laws;

In case of withdrawal of personal data subject's consent for processing of personal data, the Operator shall be entitled to continue processing of personal data without the consent of the personal data subject if there are grounds stipulated by the Personal Data Law.

2.2 The operator shall:

Organize the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Law;

To respond to requests and inquiries of subjects of personal data and their legal representatives in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal Data.

2.3 The subject of personal data has the right:

To receive information relating to the processing of his personal data, except in cases provided for by federal laws. Information is provided to the subject of personal data by the operator in an accessible form, and it must not contain personal data relating to other subjects of personal data, except in cases where there are legitimate grounds for the disclosure of such personal data. The list of information and the procedure for obtaining it is established by the Personal Data Law;

Require the operator to clarify his personal data, block or destroy them if personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained, or are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;

Other rights provided by Chapter 3 of Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

3. Purposes of collection of personal data

3.1 Processing of personal data is limited to achieving specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data, incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection, is not allowed.

3.2 Only personal data that meet the purposes for which it is being processed may be processed.

3.3 Processing of personal data of users of the site is carried out solely for the purpose of allowing the user to interact with the site.

3.4 Information constituting personal data on the site, is any information relating to a defined or identifiable on the basis of such information, an individual (the subject of personal data).

4 The scope of processed personal data.

4.1 The content and scope of processed personal data on the site's users complies with the stated purposes of processing provided in Section 3 of this Policy. Processed personal data shall not be redundant in relation to the stated purposes of its processing.

4.2 The Operator may process the following personal data of users:

    the source of access to the site(s) and search or advertising query information;
    data about the user's device (among which resolution, version and other attributes characterizing the user's device);
    user clicks, page views, field fills, banner and video displays and views;
    data characterizing audience segments;
    session parameters;
    data about the time of visit;
    user ID stored in a cookie;
    last name;
    first name
    contact telephone number;
    e-mail address;

4.3 The operator does not process special categories of personal data relating to race, ethnicity, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, intimate life, except in cases provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4 The Operator does not process biometric personal data.

4.5 The Operator does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data.

5. The order and conditions of processing of personal data.

5.4 The Operator's employees, whose job duties include the processing of personal data, are allowed to process personal data.

5.5 Disclosure and distribution of personal data to third parties without the consent of the subject of personal data is not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

5.6 The transfer of personal data to the bodies of inquiry and investigation, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and other authorized executive authorities and organizations is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.7 The Operator shall take the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, distribution and other unauthorized actions, including

    Determines the security threats to personal data during their processing;
    Adopts local normative acts and other documents regulating relations in the sphere of processing and protection of personal data
    Creates necessary conditions for work with personal data;
    Organizes registration of documents containing personal data;
    Organizes work with information systems, in which personal data is processed;
    stores personal data in conditions, in which their safety is ensured and unauthorized access to them is excluded.

5.8 The operator stores personal data in a form which allows to identify the subject of personal data, not longer than it is required by the purposes of personal data processing, if the period of storage of personal data is not established by federal law, the contract.

5.9 When collecting personal data, including through the information and telecommunications network of the Internet, the Operator provides recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation using databases located in the Russian Federation, except in cases specified in the Law on Personal Data.